Of blogs and bogs

Benj Gallander and Ben Stadelmann
Friday, February 23, 2007

It’s quite amazing how the English language keeps coming up with new words.

The term “blogosphere,” which describes the aggregate contribution of journals and web logs on the Internet, was coined by prolific author W.T. Quick as “a name for the intellectual cyberspace we bloggers occupy.” The term has taken off impressively; a Google search now yields more than 21 million hits.

Mr. Quick made his suggestion on New Year’s Day, 2002, on a highly charged political web log called The Daily Pundit, itself a play on The Daily Prophet, a fictional newspaper in the “Potterosphere.”

It’s perhaps fitting that the first response to Mr. Quick’s proposal is also recorded for posterity.

Ron Rotherford gave a rather backhanded compliment: “Wow. Good job at creating history. You’ll be able to tell your kids and their kids that you were the one who named the environment all us dorks waste our lives in. Keep up the good work.”

It is easy to spend far too much time reading what other people have to say, and like the rest of the Internet, the problem is finding the worthy stuff amongst the dross. Though not regular readers, we find
Larry Macdonald’s blog to be a good survey of issues relating to Canadian investors, while Marc Faber reliably dishes out the antidote to the industry’s positive bias with his
Boom Gloom Doom commentary.

For something erudite and a bit esoteric, try